Thursday, August 20, 2015

because I need to

Since no one really will read this, I need to blog...probably to get this stuff out of my head, but perhaps to "say" it and make it "real".  Since I've begun my journey in essential oils in my pursuit to live a "cleaner/healthier" life, the connection that oils have with OOLA has struck a chord with me.

They talk about living a purpose driven, balanced life.  I have neither.  And I feel SO LOST on how/where to start.  Goals.  Really?  My goals consist of making it through the day--making it through the shift at work--making it through the work week.  What am I working for?  Essentially nothing.  The paycheck each week.  Keeping the lights on at my house.  That's not really a "purpose" to me.

I used to think I had a "purpose".  I used to think that I was "meant for something".  Now when I read of an Oola life...I just want to sit down and cry.  It literally brings me to tears.  The total loss of direction or thought comes over me.

I am lost.